Monday, October 12, 2015

            To me Scott Robinson has a more of an animated skill. Like every image he has it looks like it can be in a cartoon. Daniel Simon is more of a 3D artist , something like it looks real but you know it was created. Bobby Chiu is a character artist , he draws characters not cars and motorcycles. You can tell everyone has a different method on how they create , and each one is very talented and I think its cool.

         But comparing scott robinson to Daniel simon they both have good skill , to me they kinda work the same , like they both create the same type of cars , Daniel just has more of a fake feeling to it. scott's cars look like they real. Also Daniel is a german man which means he would create the types of cars he see's in everyday life probably just put a twist to it with weird features. I like it though i don't think negative of it. Everyone has a different imagination.

          Now comparing Scott Robinson to Bobby Chiu thats two very different types of artist. One is a artist for cars, while the other is an artist for characters , they both are talented. One may know how to do something the other artist can't do. That's what makes them different from each other. Bobby Chiu is cool though i really like his work and everything he does as an artist. I wish to do something like that with art in the near future. 

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